Employment Support Services
It is your human right and You Deserve to have an equal opportunity to earn a living wage that affords you and your family’s basic living expenses (food, water, housing, transportation and medical care). EmpowerHIM provides men career focused tools and resources to help increase employment access and satisfaction that will lead to the achievement of their financial goals.

Your career and financial wellness matters and we want you to Be Well! Men At Work mentoring includes connecting individuals to trans-friendly jobs, services, skill based training and other essential services to help transition individuals out of poverty.
Employment Training, Counseling and Referral
- Resume Writing
- Job Searching
- Interview Prep & Techniques
- Skills-Training (Hard and Soft Skills)
- On The Job Training
- Vocational Certification
- Financial Literacy (Budgeting, Banking, Credit and credit repair)
Get Employment Resources
- Search Job Opportunities Online
- Need More Help? Submit your request for additional support here or call us for employment advocacy and assistance.
Issue: Employment Discrimination
Black Transmen Inc is concerned about race and gender equality issues in employment. US Trans Survey reports, One in five (20%) Black respondents were unemployed, Nearly four out of ten (38%) were living in poverty with household income of $1 to $9,999, Nearly one-quarter (22%) who have ever been employed reported losing a job, denied promotion, and/or not hired because of being transgender.
Know Your Rights!
Learn more and stay up-to-date on Employment Rights for transgender people with resources provided by National Center for Transgender Equality. Each resource includes how to file complaints of discrimination or mistreatment and how to find legal help.
If you are facing discriminatory treatment you do not have to travel this path on your own. Share your story with Black Transmen Inc so that we can help advocate for you and reduce future discrimination experienced by our greater transgender community.