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Together We Will Achieve Equality For All Black Transmen
People have joined the campaign.
Empower HIM
Black Transmen, Inc. provides positive and affirming support to enrich the lives of transmen thru EmpowerHIM. The EmpowerHIM program offers self empowerment through mentoring, access to resources, and financial assistance to support his healthy transition and leadership development.

EmpowerHIM Men’s Summit
We Welcome The Transmasculine Community to the #BTAC2023 EmpowerHIM Summit held at the National Black Trans Advocacy Conference April 25 – 30, 2023 in Dallas, Texas.
Join The EventEnd Discrimination Against Black Trans People
According to research from the US Trans Survey – Report on the Experiences of Black Respondents: Black trans and gender non-conforming people report experiencing the highest levels of discrimination of all transgender people based on the combination of anti-transgender bias with structural and individual racism.
Help End Discrimination faced by Black Trans People.

Donate To EmpowerHIM
Black Transmen need resources that support his healthy transition.
Donate to this cause to help Empower his personal and professional development.

Black Transmen Inc – EmpowerHIM
One Is Not Born A Man HE Becomes One! Black Transmen, Inc. provides positive and affirming support to enrich the lives of the transmasculine community through our EmpowerHIM program and services.
With your donation, transmen from across the US will become beneficiaries of peer-to-peer mentoring, access to resources, and financial assistance to support his healthy transition and leadership development.